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 Forest Lytton

Wishing you health joy and happiness.

17 Sep 2024


Kingston Lacy

2020-07-31 16:43:52
K. A. Broadfield

I saw Kingston Lacy on a tv special presented by Alan Titchmarsh. I heard there was a Japanese Garden as well as some others, so we headed over to Somerset to explore. As expected, the annual beds were not in place but we enjoyed a few perennial borders. We quickly found our way to the natural fern woodland and had a rest on a bench and snapped some photos. Afterwards we took the long way through a field and the woods and eventually discovered the Japanese Gardens (closed due to narrow pathways) but a tiki hut overlooking a field, surrounded by bamboo gave us the much needed rest from the hot sun at the end of July 2020.


A visit to Hinton Ampner

2020-07-18 17:11:43
K. A. Broadfield

Husband and I finally felt safe enough to venture out in the great outdoors! Jamie and I had a lovely visit at a nearby stately home and garden, Hinton Ampner, just east of Winchester, England.
. Social distanced and no indoor buildings were open.