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 Forest Lytton

Wishing you health joy and happiness.

17 Sep 2024

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Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

Monday, 16th January 2023 5:48pm

It is almost that time!

Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

The RSPB Wildlife organisation is gearing up for birders around the United Kingdom to prepare for an hour of counting!

Have you ordered your kit? Learn more about how Learn More

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Hot days at last

Monday, 14th June 2021 5:51pm

It has been so wonderful these last few days to see some sunny warm days envelope and delight the garden! Flowers are blooming and the cats are basking in shade of the shrubs. Fresh water each morning for birds and cats alike, along with a few of the potted plants and newest adds to the ground.

We have put up the screen door to keep the flies out and let the breeze in - I am looking forward to cooking dinner tonight and see how it all comes together. Enjoy!

summer breeze flowers cats water garden

Blog Entry

when the weeds grow, it is time to sow!

Sunday, 23rd May 2021 4:52pm

Great inspiration from a fun mobile chat between Glaswegian comedian Susan Calman and garden design presenter, Adam Frost. Susan and her wife purchased their house with a gorgeous front garden but an antiquated back garden. They began the process of replacing hardscaping and reached out to Adam to aid with a few key plants and initial questions. When they said

when the weeds grow, it is time to sow. it inspired me there and then.

I found some zinnias, cosmos, and aqueligia. Some went in to pots, and some directly to the flower beds. Stay tuned!


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Signs of Spring

Sunday, 28th February 2021 2:10pm

Dappled sun sneaks low into the afternoon garden, warming the tips of daffodils and tulips, encouraging them out of their winter slumbers.

Blossom February 2021

grey and white cat

spring winter

Blog Entry


Friday, 4th September 2020 5:32pm

We had an extended away to Hestercombe. I fell in love with Mexican FleaBane, a sweet plant of miniature pink or white daisies. You can see it growing in the back of the green covered pool. We planted one in our own garden in Sept-Nov 2020. Whether it survived the winter remains to be seen, but I am hopeful.
Meanwhile, please enjoy these samples from our trip:

property gardens

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Kingston Lacy

Friday, 31st July 2020 4:43pm

I saw Kingston Lacy on a tv special presented by Alan Titchmarsh. I heard there was a Japanese Garden as well as some others, so we headed over to Somerset to explore. As expected, the annual beds were not in place but we enjoyed a few perennial borders. We quickly found our way to the natural fern woodland and had a rest on a bench and snapped some photos. Afterwards we took the long way through a field and the woods and eventually discovered the Japanese Gardens (closed due to narrow pathways) but a tiki hut overlooking a field, surrounded by bamboo gave us the much needed rest from the hot sun at the end of July 2020.

NT property gardens

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A visit to Hinton Ampner

Saturday, 18th July 2020 5:11pm

Husband and I finally felt safe enough to venture out in the great outdoors! Jamie and I had a lovely visit at a nearby stately home and garden, Hinton Ampner, just east of Winchester, England.
. Social distanced and no indoor buildings were open.

covid NT property autumn

Blog Entry

Lewisia - sunrise garden

Tuesday, 26th May 2020 1:25pm

I have been planning a sunrise themed garden, ironically for hot afternoon sun near pebbles and pavement for our front garden. I started with some dark rusty maroon daylilies I already have, currently in pots, and have been scanning various catalogs for inspiration, such as Thompson and Morgans, and Sarah Raven. Ms Raven has a lot of themed flowers, so I find hers to be particularly fun. check out the floral collection or the unusual misty lavender collection

Today I looked up a random flower I had brought home from a recent trip to the garden center. flowers were in a variety of pinks and apricots so I thought it might fit the sunrise theme well. I used Plant Snap app and was able to identify it as alpine Lewisia.

But it wasn&aops;t until my father offered to look up a proper plant reference for me that it occurred to me to dig a little deeper. I picked up my copy of RHS Plant Encyclopedia I purchased at the book shop at The Vyne in 2013. Recycled books were a Godsend to me as most of my collection I had to donate before moving across the pond.

Turns out that the succulent portulaca which I know from New England is also under the name Lewisia, but it is L. columbiana which I have here in southern England. While similar, both flowers and leaves do differ. My current plant has star shaped flowers with white outlines and a rosette of dark green oblong leaves.

Have a nice week....

sunrise flowers Lewisia garden

Blog Entry

Warm weather approaches?

Sunday, 19th April 2020 12:30pm

Hello! After. a brief cool snap over the last few days it would appear we will have another warm weekend. This will be lovely for getting out in the garden, watching the kittens chase butterflies, listening to the blackbirds singing, and doing some sun salutations! Have a wonderful week and will see you soon. Drop an email, (see the footer of this page) if you want to say hi. Best, Kate

spring hope