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 Forest Lytton

Wishing you health joy and happiness.

17 Sep 2024

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Holiday Quiz

Monday, 16th January 2023 5:42pm

Happy Holidays!


I love Christmas, but it was last weekend. I love the hope of a new year and am looking forward to the Broadfield-Tarn big fat quiz of the year, written throughout the year by my husband and partner in crime, Jamie. Happy Holidays is the easiest way to express myself when I am halfway from here to there, wink.

Speaking of halfway from here to there, I have had an intense few months working for my new employer who has built themselves rather a niche offering for individuals and organisations of all types. As a growing start-up, we are feeling the rapid change and understanding that process changes are not always as fast as we are, and with so many directions and options to choose from, how do this bunch of smart cookies make the right decisions amidst the chaos?

With some mandatory downtime during this holiday week, I have let my brain rest, got some exercise, drank more water, and am doing some reading up on a variety of work-related topics.

Blog Entry

Hot days at last

Monday, 14th June 2021 5:51pm

It has been so wonderful these last few days to see some sunny warm days envelope and delight the garden! Flowers are blooming and the cats are basking in shade of the shrubs. Fresh water each morning for birds and cats alike, along with a few of the potted plants and newest adds to the ground.

We have put up the screen door to keep the flies out and let the breeze in - I am looking forward to cooking dinner tonight and see how it all comes together. Enjoy!

summer breeze flowers cats water garden

Blog Entry

Starlings Murmur....

Friday, 22nd May 2020 1:42pm

Apparently the word got out. We had one family of starlings earlier this week and this morning, aligned with loosening of human lockdown rules in the UK, our feeders were visited by approximately 4 sets of starlings (You count - what's your estimate?). Catch the juvenile starling taking a drink in the fresh water I had just put out! Can you hear the BBC news in the background? Have a wonderful weekend!

birdsong starlings murmur birds spring video